Sunday, 22 December 2013

IS:LITH 2.5 Arbites and Eldar

In this episode have lots of cool stuff in my inbox and workbench but unfortunately not much going out. The main part of this show is an explanation on the back story of my Eldar SAC.

Watch the episode here

Thursday, 5 December 2013

IS:LITH 2.4 - Stuff, stuff and more stuff and full of character.

This episodes gives a recap of some of the characters and introduces a lot of new ones. Also, see the concluding mission in the St Jeremiah story, the usual hobbying and my wet pallet.

Watch it here!

Monday, 25 November 2013

IS:LITH Episode 2.3

Episode 2.3 - More Eldar

In this episode more progress is made on my Eldar and am beginning to think about 2014's goals. Remember how Inquisitor Hanzen was left aboard the plague vessel? Inquisitor Xi and his forces mount a rescue!

Watch the latest episode here!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Last Stand at Lab 47 - Overlords Event

Lab 47 sits on an uncharted planet whose name is even restricted. As the name suggests this one of an undisclosed number of laboratories on this planet. The planet is a research and home to a joint operation between the Ordo Biologis and the Adeptus Mechanicum.


A splinter from a hive fleet broke away and attacked the planet. The researchers contingency plan was put into effect: the laboratory with the most likely to be weasponised research was prioritised. Forces were marshalled to that location and as much research from other labs transferred.

By the time the pan was put into effect Lab 47 had the experiment null zone activated and the remainder of the standing Imperial Guard regiments stood ready: the Valhallen 11751st and Hikite 701st. A distress call was sent, unfortunately, being so secretive only certain bodies with high enough clearance could pick this up but fortunately a passing Inquisitor responded. Adding to the defenders Inquisitor Hanzen added his Pakeshi Rangers, the CSIU and as many Naval Armsmen as could be spared in an attempt to hold out whilst the research is prepared for evacuation. Also, a platoon size mob of genetic mutants were defending too. This motley crew work for a mysterious rogue trader and acquire “things” for the research labs that are not readily available. Unfortunately for them they were just making a delivery when the attack started.

The Board

The Imperial Defences are setup on a 4x4 board. From three edges there will be three further 4x4 boards each of which are the attackers deployment zones. This should give the effect of last stand.
Data Banks Extraction point
Within the Imperial zone a 6" square is designated as the extraction point where a tech priest is waiting to be rescued with his research.

Null Zone

The Imperial deployment board has experimental tech that stops any enemy units deep string or similar onto it. If any model scatters onto this then it will count as a mishap.
Victory Conditions
If the evac zone is free of bugs and the tech priest is alive at the end of the game the imperium wins. Otherwise they don't!

The Game

The action will kick off at 9am and finish at 6pm. The Imperial Forces have around 7500pts of defenders and further troops in reserve.
The attackers have whatever nids can be mustered. The attackers will setup within 12 inches of their table edge, anything they can’t fit will come on as a reserve.

Endless Waves

Any attacking non-MC units that are destroyed come on again from the respawn line. All destroyed MC respawn from the same line on a 3+. If they fail to respawn they roll again next turn.

Respawn Line

The initial line is the edge of the attacking boards. Each hour this line moves in 6 inches. For example from 10am it is 6 inches in from the board edge and from 11am 18 inches from the board edge.

Desperate Time

This is at 4pm (or earlier) where the attackers have no further juice left in the bio cells, they have what they have left on the board. From this point the Imperial Forces can deploy their reserves.

When, where and how much is this event?

Saturday 11th January 8ish to at least 6pm. This is Powderfans birthday celebration so the cost of the day will be covered so consider it a free day of gaming.

How can I get involved?

If you have nids bring them, bring them all, slap them down and chew those imperial treats up! If you don't have nids you can either take control of a portion of the bugs or take control of one of the three Imperial forces that will be provided. Just post here with your preference. First come first served for an Imperial force.

Metal Star Mission Beta

Trevor and I have been working on putting together a loose framework allowing a regular game and a Zone Mortalis to be played simultaneously. Here is our first version:

Download the missions here

And here is our first battle report and a big thanks to Pete and Lyle for being great sports and getting into the spirit of it.

Watch Battle Report

Thursday, 7 November 2013

IS:LITH Episode 2.2

In this action packed episode there are a few new goodies, a bit of hobby progress, introduce 3 new characters and quite a lot of  table top action too! Plus of course I am super excited to continue the new story arc with Inquisitor Hanzen.

Watch here

Sunday, 3 November 2013

IS:LITH Battle Report The Eclipse VII Ambush

IS:LITH Battle Report

Here is a battle report Commissar Random kindly jumped on board with to take the 2nd story arch forward with his Necrons against my Imperial Guard.


Watch the battle report here

Thursday, 24 October 2013

IS:LITH Episode 2.1

Here it is. Finally back in the saddle and really enjoyed doing this again.

This episode covers 40k burn out.

A recap of series one story and how that is going to transition into the new series.

A look at my new Army CSIU!

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Watch Here